Go Utes! I was officially accepted into the University of Utah today. Majoring in Elementary Education of course. I finished 2 years of college in Arizona... Just 2 more years to go! Everything is working out beautifully living here in Utah. I love my job working as a Prescription Specialist at 1-800 Contacts and it works perfectly with my schedule now that school is starting again in May.
I haven't been the most dedicated blogger....considering my last post was in 2009. But I am going to be better this year! 2010 wasn't all that eventful of a year anyway. I did move to Utah though (if you didn't notice), which is incredibly awesome.
My next post is already in the works....think : robot. : )

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. -William Arthur Ward

University of Utah's beautiful campus
You got in!! I am so happy for you! Congratulations :) I love your new blog and I look forward to hearing about...robots! Until next time...