YIKES. Today was really something else. Let's start at about
3:00 am this morning. I woke up to the terrifying sound of a snow storm outside my window.... well.... it's a terrifying sound to me anyway. I hurried and got ready for work (which starts at 5am) so that I would have time to snow-blow the driveway and drive to work... which, on a sunny day, is only 15 minutes away. By
4:00 am my hair was ruined by being out in the snow, but I was ready to go!
Visibility was nearly zero and my car was spinning terribly in the ice and snow as I attempted to slide down to the bottom. At this point, I lost control of my poor car and spun into the guard rail, which then sent me spinning the other direction. Somehow (i really don't know how) I got to the bottom of the mountain alive. I pulled over and checked my vehicle for damage, I didn't see any, so I spun the rest of the way to work..... quite literally spun. several times. Good news is, I still managed to make it to work 5 minutes early!
10:30 am: Once it stopped snowing, I went out to my car to check for damage. There sat a beautiful note on my windshield. A woman visiting the building I work in had spun in the ice, and hit my parked car while I was working. Normally, this would be a bigger deal. But considering everything that happened today, just the fact that she didn't total my car was the highlight of my day. She actually didn't do any damage at all, I let her off the hook. No need to ruin 2 people's days.
12:30 pm: After work I went to drive my car, and realized that my steering wheel was completely facing the wrong direction. I knew it was from hitting the railing this morning, because it was like that after I did it... I had just previously thought that it was the ice and snow that was making my steering crazy. I decided to drive it to the dealership to be fixed. As I drove, I lost complete control of my steering wheel and my car started making a horrible noise.. I pulled off to the shoulder and gave in. Meaning, I called a tow truck driver to save me.
1:30 pm: Tow truck drivers are crappy heroes.
Long story made slightly shorter, the truck driver took my car, and left me stranded on the side of the freeway. I had to hike back in the snow until I reached a grocery store and was able to go inside and get warm again. At this point, I had called my insurance company to come save me.
2:30 pm: Insurance companies are crappy hereos.
Since my insurance company could not save me, I turned to my rental car company. Knowing that Enterprise will pick you up, I told them I needed a ride and a car. I knew for sure that the rental car company would save me!
3:00 pm: Rental car companies are crappy heroes.
They told me it would be about 2 hrs, if they were able to save me at all. This time, I turned to my daddy.
3:30pm: Daddies are fantastic heroes
He called Ford and yelled at them for the not-so-fabulous tow truck driver. They came and rescued me and gave me a rental car.
6:00 pm: I am finally home now. And going to make comfort brownies. The End.