Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. -John Lubbock

These are pictures from mine and Missa's sunday hike. It was a beautiful day....a day worth blogging about.... A day where I BEAT Melissa in a foot-under-freezing-water competition! Let me tell you, it was brutal. But it was worth it. Story? oh yes, there's a story! It is this: Melissa bet me she could keep her feet under the freezing river water longer than I could. Of course, my competitive nature kicked in and I plummeted my feet into the bitter water and I won! Of course I won. Although she claims I only won because she knew I'd keep my feet there until they fell off, and she didn't want mom to blame her for my amputated feet. Whatever the reason, I won. And I am blogging about its glory.
Yes. That is the most exciting thing to happen to me all summer.. Why do you ask?
So, in honor of 4th of July, I included a slideshow of scenes from last 4th of July. Enjoy!
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