Question posed: What is the # 1 most awesome thing that's happened to you since moving into your ghetto apartment?
Winning answer: Being locked inside my own room because the door handle broke.

What happened? Beats me. All I know is I woke up at 3:30 am and got all ready for work... but when the time came to leave, I couldn't even get out of my room! The handle just spun in circles. I tried everything I could think of (including taking pictures) and I just couldn't get it open. Luckily I have an awesome sister who works near here and has a key to my apartment. So she was able to come rescue me this morning! Thanks Melissa! <3

I really thought the shaking, smoking, fire spitting oven would win this title. But all it did was try to burn me alive..... Locking me inside my room was way more creative. Good job door. You earned this one!